Professional Speaker

I am frequently invited to deliver keynote addresses, conduct webinars and workshops, give expert interviews, and moderate CXO panels on cybersecurity, emerging technology trends, and other enterprise IT governance and value management issues. It is a passion and mission of mine to connect with all types of audience and engage in a thought-provoking and reflective discussion.

Representative Speaking Engagements

KEYNOTE SPEECHES & Guest lectures

Moderator, Keynote panel, “Cybersecurity Jujutsu: Harnessing the Power of Adversity for Resilience and Recovery, ” The Millennium Alliance Conference, Coral Gables, Florida, Oct 23, 2024.

Invited Lecture, Cybersecurity and Healthcare — A Holistic Approach, The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, October 18, 2024.

Invited Talk, Product Design and Supply Chain Management, Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University, October 8, 2024.

Featured Speaker, Unraveling the Implications of AI and Gen AI: A Current and Futuristic Perspective, The University of Georgia Morehead Honors College, September 11, 2024.

Featured Speaker on the Legacy Leaders Show, August 12, 2024.  

Keynote Speaker, “Cybersecurity as a Strategic Opportunity,” ISACA Netherlands Chapter, April 24, 2024.

Keynote Speaker, A Holistic Approach to Cybersecurity Readiness: Application of the Commitment-Preparedness-Discipline (CPD) Framework, a Webinar hosted by the Association of Cyber Forensics and Threat Investigators, United Kingdom, April 2, 2024 — Presentation Feedback

Cybersecurity as a Strategic Opportunity – Brand Management in the Retail Industry, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India, Dec 20, 2023.

Conducting Relevant and Substantive MIS Research: A Perspective, Indian Institute of Management-Lucknow, India, Dec 18, 2023.

Cybersecurity as a Strategic Opportunity – Brand Management in the Retail Industry, Indian Institute of Management-Calcutta, Kolkata, India, Dec 16, 2023.

Should You Be Concerned About Cyber Threats? What Can You Do To Protect Yourself?, Birla High School Presentation, Kolkata, India, Dec 9, 2023. — Student Feedback

Supply Chain Management: Realities and Implications, Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University, Oct 10, 2023

Competitive Implications of AI and Generative AI, Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University, July 7, 2023

Securing the Smart Supply Chain, Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University, June 30, 2023

Cybersecurity and FinTech, Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University, March 9, 2023.

Holistic Cybersecurity Governance: Indian Banking and Financial Services Sector, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta (IIMC), India, February 4, 2023. Presentation Feedback

Keynote Speaker, UNC Symposium on Information Security in an Interconnected World — Nov 4, 2022

Supply Chain Management: Realities and Implications, Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University, October 19, 2022

Keynote Speaker, A Holistic and High-Performance Approach to Cybersecurity Readiness and The Role of Accountants, The ICAI New England Chapter and the ICAI Atlanta Chapter, June 29, 2022

Keynote Speaker, A Holistic and High-Performance Approach to Cybersecurity Readiness, Christine and Lou Friedrich Speaker Series, University of Illinois at Springfield, March 25, 2022

Supply Chain Management: Realities and Implications, Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University, Feb 22, 2022

Human-Centered Approach to Cybersecurity Readiness: A Holistic Perspective, Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University, Nov 4, 2021

Supply Chain Management: Realities and Implications, Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University, Oct 18, 2021

Featured Speaker, Cybersecurity Readiness: A Holistic and High-Performance Approach. LinkedIn Terry College of Business Executive Edge Event. Terry College of Business, Executive Education. September 29, 2021.

Panelist, “Cybercrimes and Pathways,” Shakticon International Conference, Amrita University, April 10, 2021

Featured Speaker, “Working in a Perpetual State of Breach – Can Organization-Wide Awareness Mitigate Evolving Methods of Cyber Attack?” The European Information Security Summit (TEISS) Talk, March 23, 2021

Keynote Speaker, “Building a Culture of Preparedness and High Reliability,” Robert Francis Group Videoconference Series, Dec 16, 2020

Featured Speaker, “Cybersecurity Preparedness: A Holistic and High-Performance Approach,” School of Engineering, Mercer University, November 6, 2020

Keynote Speaker, “How to Safely Navigate and Operate Your Systems During a Pandemic,” 2020 Hartwell/Hart County Virtual Cybersecurity Summit, July 10, 2020

Featured Speaker, “Cybersecurity Preparedness and Big Data Analytics,” Trinity College Dublin, June 8, 2020

Featured Speaker, “Re-thinking Processes for the Post-Crisis New Normal,” Robert Francis Group Videoconference Series, May 27, 2020

Featured Speaker, “Surviving the Coronavirus Pandemic,” Robert Francis Group Videoconference Series, May 6, 2020

Featured Speaker, The European Information Security Summit, Feb 12, 2020

Invited Speaker, London School of Economics, February 11, 2020

Invited Speaker, Initiative for the Digital Economy at Exeter (INDEX), University of Exeter, London, February 13, 2020

Session Chair and Speaker, 18th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, Coimbra, Portugal, July 4-5, 2019

Session Chair and Speaker, BIT’s 6th Annual World Congress of Info-Tech 2019 in Nanjing, China, May 10-12, 2019

Speaker and Workshop Instructor, Georgia GMIS Spring Conference, April 30, 2019, Athens, GA.

“Cornerstones of a High-Performance Security Culture,” Keynote Speech, RFG 100 Digital Business Transformation Summit, December 6, 2018.

“Life Aboard A U.S. Nuclear Submarine: What Has That Got To Do With Cyber Security Best Practices?” South Florida CIO Forum, Plantation, Florida, Feb 21, 2018.

“Evolve Your Security Strategies: Protecting Key Intellectual Property” Midmarket CIO Forum, Savannah, GA, April 10, 2018.

“Enterprise Digitization and Cybersecurity,” Annual Seminar of the Department of Computer Science, St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata, India (Dec 21, 2017)

“Creating and Sustaining High-Reliability Organizations,” UGA’s Carl Vinson Institute of Governance sponsored Georgia-GMIS Conference for senior-level technology executives in local and public government agencies, Savannah, GA, USA (Oct 9, 2017)

“Thriving in a Techno-Centric World: Creating and Sustaining a Highly Innovative and Secure Organization,” CDC University Business and Technology Forum, Atlanta, GA, USA (Sept 26, 2017)

How High-Reliability Organizations Earn Customer Trust: From Concept to Reality,” Salesforce TechTalk Forum, San Francisco, CA (May 22, 2017)

“Cyber Security and Customer Trust,” John Cabot University, Rome, Italy (Sept 12, 2017)

“Examining the Cybersecurity Preparedness of Firms: A High-Reliability Organization Perspective,” Indian Institute of Management, Joka, Kolkata, India (Dec 19, 2017)

“Emerging Technological Trends,” The Georgian Club, Atlanta, GA (August 13, 2014)


Co-Presenter with Beatrice Cadet, “A Proactive Behavioral Approach to Cyber Readiness: Insights from a Clinical Psychologist and a Social Scientist,” RSA Conference (RSAC) 365 Virtual Webcast, January 31, 2025, 1 PM ET/10 AM PT.

Podcast, CAPTRUST, Mission + Markets Episode 13: Nonprofits and Cybersecurity, May 21, 2024 

How can brands rethink data security to maintain customer trust?,” TELUS International podcast, September 7, 2023

“Cybersecurity Readiness In the Age of Generative AI and LLM,” Let’s Talk About (Secur) IT Webinar, with Phillip de Souza, July 26, 2023 — LinkedIn, Youtube, Spotify 

Insights for 2023, Cybersecurity Readiness with Dr. Dave Chatterjee, Live Webinar, Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 4:00 PM EST; Slide Deck

“Blockchain Basics with Dr. Dave Chatterjee,” Blockchain Club, Pratt School of Engineering, Nov 16, 2022

“Holistic Cybersecurity Governance,” Women in Technology (WIT) Meeting, The University of Georgia, October 13, 2022

Holistic Cybersecurity, Starting with Culture Awareness: What the research says?, LinkedIn Live Event, September 21, 2022 

Guest, CyberEagles Podcast, “Cybersecurity Preparedness vs Readiness: 3 Success Factors for Implementation,” August 2022 

Opening Guest, teissTalk LIVE Event, Designing Cyber Threat Resilient Organizations, May 10, 2022

Panelist, Computing and Electronics Research Summit, BITS Pilani, March 31, 2022

Guest, Ask The Expert,  Podcast hosted by Rois Ni Thuama, Ph.D. (Doctor of Law), Head of Cyber Governance, Red Sift, March 18, 2022 — What should senior management be actively doing to mitigate cyberattacks against their organization? 

Guest, Agent of Influence Podcast, with host Nabil Hannan, Managing Director, NetSPI, August 20, 2021

Webinar: Cyber Training Done Right: Teaching Technical and Non-Technical Skills to Prepare the Future Workforce, May 19, 2021, 11 AM EST

Cybersecurity Preparedness: A Holistic Perspective, Huber Engineered Materials (HUBER), Terry College Executive Education, The University of Georgia, Feb 28, 2020

RFG 100 Insight Teleconference Q&A: “Executive Responsibility for False Security Corporate Filings and Breaches,” April 2, 2019

“Cybersecurity Perspectives from the U.S. Healthcare Industry,” Cybersecurity Collaborative, February 14, 2019.

“High Performance Culture is Essential in Cyber Warfare,” Cybersecurity Collaborative, December 6, 2018.

“Establishing a Security Culture of Joint Ownership, Partnership & Accountability Between Business and Technology Leaders,” Cybersecurity Collaborative Q&A,  Oct 24, 2018.


“Integration of Emerging Technologies,” Terry College of Business Executive Education, The University of Georgia (Nov 14, 2019)

“Enterprise Digitization Trends and Implications,” Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) University Workshop, Atlanta, GA. (January 24, 2020)

Cybersecurity Preparedness and the Evolving Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Georgia GMIS Conference, Athens, GA (April 30, 2019)

“Enterprise Digitization Trends and Implications,” Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) University Workshop, Atlanta, GA. (Nov 28, 2018)

“IT Strategic Planning,” UGA’s Carl Vinson Institute of Governance sponsored Georgia-GMIS Conference for senior-level technology executives in local and public government agencies, Savannah, GA, USA (Oct 9, 2017)

“Life Aboard A U.S. Nuclear Submarine: What Has That Go To Do With Cyber Security?” Society for Information Management (SIM) Atlanta Chapter Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA (Nov 16, 2017)


Moderator, CISO Roundtable, “Creating and Sustaining High-Performing Security Teams,” The Millennium Alliance Conference, Austin, Texas, Nov 12, 2024.

Moderator, CISO Roundtable, “Finding the Balance: Creating a Healthy Relationship Between Security Needs and Business Success,” The Millennium Alliance Conference, Coral Gables, Florida, Oct 22, 2024.

Panelist, Aggregate Risk Controls, Norms, and Thresholds, RFG 100 Digital Business Transformation Summit, April 11, 2019, New York City.

Panelist, Information Security Challenges, SecurEnds, April 4, 2019, Atlanta, GA.

Moderator, “Impact of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning on the Future of the Work Force,” at UIBS GeorgiaTech CIBER Seminar:Disruptive Technologies: Implications for Global Workforce and Markets, Georgia Tech, April 4, 2018.

Moderator, “Artificial Intelligence: The Future Tech That’s Happening Now,” Premier CIO Forum, Atlanta GA (April 13, 2017)

Panelist, “CIO Paradox: Contradictions on IT Leadership,” PremierCIO Forum, Atlanta, GA (March 30, 2016)

Moderator, “Enterprise Data Governance in a Big Data Environment,” PremierCIO Forum, Atlanta, GA (March 31, 2015)

Moderator, “Who is Responsible for Information Security? IT or Business or Both,” CIO Forum and Executive IT Summit, Atlanta, GA (April 15, 2014)


Session Chair and Speaker, 18th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, Coimbra, Portugal, July 4-5, 2019

Panelist, “Too much data..Too little Information? Advancing Informatics in Government and Industry,” Georgia Informatics Institute for Research and Education, Continuing Education Center, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA (Nov 30, 2018)

“Muddling Through Cybersecurity: Insights from the U.S. Healthcare Industry,” Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) Conference 2018, Chicago, Illinois (Nov 18, 2018)

“How High-Reliability Organizations Earn Customer Trust: From Concept to Reality,” 16th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, Dublin, Ireland (June 30, 2017)

“Examining the Cybersecurity Preparedness of Firms: A High-Reliability Organization (HRO) Perspective,” 12th European Conference on Information Systems, Genoa, Italy (Sept 15, 2017)

COPYRIGHT © 2024 | Debabroto ‘Dave’ Chatterjee, PH.D. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.